

Posted by Anand

Books have always been my constant companions. Like most book-reading people I have read a lot of books. There were many that I read only for the entertainment that they provided or some information they shared. However, the books that shaped or altered my thinking have been closest to my heart.

Books on history are not just informative, they are, I realized, biased and interpreted. The historianโ€™s background dictates the bias in their interpretation of history. There is one book I have come across, however, that to me stands out from the rest - HG Wellsโ€™s Outline of History. I have read the abridged version provided by the good author for a layman like me and I found it to be balanced and well-written. It reads like a story and one can race through history from before humans came on the scene. Known mostly for his fictional works, Wells wrote admirably on matters pertaining to facts as well.

My reading was eclectic, not in any philosophical sense but perhaps as an aid to mental development from divergent sources of knowledge. I read a smattering of science, philosophy, economics, pollution, history, geography and not in that order. Some books stood out for me and have had a lasting influence.

I have never been much interested in bodybuilding- I thought it was more important to be knowledgeable, not as a scholar in a particular subject but as an erudite layman - a kind of jack of all trades. And so I remained superficial, skimming the surface and never delving deep. I like the Vedic recommendation: let noble thoughts come from all sides.

I realize now when I am well past my sixtieth year how important it is to look after the body. However, in the past I dabbled in yoga, but having a weak back and being lazy I could never stick to it. I did come across a master teacher of yoga in a book form - BKS Iyengar. His books on yoga - Yoga and The Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali have been my favorite. Yoga to me was something mystical until I came across this line from J Krishnamurti - yoga is a system of physical exercises prevalent in India since ancient times. J Krishnamurti I came to know later learnt yoga from the master himself.

Books that discussed the human condition have always been my favorite.